Programming & Computer Music
Paul works extensively in programming and computer music. Program designs range from custom patches for interactive computer music to software developed for use on iOS devices such as the iPhone and iPad.
Licensed Apple Developer for iOS and MacOS.
Selected Programming & Computer Music Projects
Simple Algorithms for Player Piano is a growing number of simple piece realized by computer through the player piano. These algorithms are written to aid in the teaching of algorithmic composition, as each piece attempts to solve a compositional or performative problem. Each piece is self-generating and can run for any length of time.
1. Ambient (soft, bell-like). Each of the 10 "performers" (or "fingers") play a note from a given pentatonic scale within the first two seconds of the cue. After an 8–10" pause, the gesture is repeated using new notes pulled from the same set.
Algorithm 1. Ambient (score)
2. Random 88. Randomly select one note, played at the volume and length of the associated note (lower notes are softer and longer than higher notes).
Algorithm 2. Random 88 (score)
Algorithm 2. Random 88 (Patch in Pure Data)
Steve Reich, My Name Is (1967) is an adaptation of Reich's original 1967 work using four reel-to-reel tape machines phasing recordings of audience members speaking their names. In writing this patch, irregularities normally introduced in the performance of the earlier work have been programmed in, and I worked with Steve Reich to tweak the patch (and my performance of the piece) to best capture his original attempt.